dissabte, 12 de maig del 2012

FINAL REFLECTION!! / Part 2: My English Competence in 2012

I've chosen these work because it's the best I have done in my blog. The others were also good, but these have some special reasons to be more than the other stuff.

On the one hand, the oral task I have chosen is the one I made about my research project, and for that reason, I knew a lot of the theme, and I speak more secure. Also, I can show my big project of my birds if I want to send it to a university or work, it's interesting to show that you are hard-working. It was my last presentation, and according to that, I had my best level of english and more practise doing oral presentations. I added a lot of scientific vocabulary in this presentation, and learned it, so I think that my level of english regarding the scientific part.

On the other hand, my best redation is about a reflection of life, and about everyone of us, how life goes on and what are we expected to be in this society. I really love that composition. It reflects so good my mind and what I think, and in my opinion it's good to know it, think it's a good advice for life. I love the structure of this text, because is so mature. It combines rhetorical questions and  its answers, that shows my dominion of the language.

In conclusion, those are the ones that I really love in my blog, and that I really enjoyed doing them. :)


FINAL REFLECTION!! / Part 1: My english progress.

I want to began my final reflection with: Ha ha!... I've read my first compsition in November 2010 and I have compared it with my last post, and did the same with my oral presentations. It's a good experience to do, interesting... and funny! I've laughed :).

On the one hand, two years ago I didn't put connectors, all were points, more points, more points, an "and"!, more points... simple sentences! Now I put more connectors, and also I've practised more my oral english, so my english now is more usual and not only the structure of the text, it's more complemented, usually with expressions. My language is now more light, not so hard to read. My vocabulary is more extended, and I know a lot of new words! (Thanks to blog... :3) My paragraphs are now more organized and clear.

On the other hand, my oral presentations have improved so much! I think that my nerves are still there every time I have to talk to a class, but in someway I'm happy of my progress. All the powerpoints I have done... it's sad now to think about it... but anyway, I've had a good time. =) My vocabulary was not so vast, and at the end, I can look to people (eye-contact) without getting nervous and I've learned to structure best my powerpoints and the things I have to say.

Also, I have to add that my life has changed A LOT in two years... I can't realize that... and not only my life, also my mind... I see me then like a little more optimistic, but also innocent. I remember that I was so happy to began batxillerat, because I was tired of ESO and people in class shouting. Now, I'm tired of batxillerat... life is like growing. You always appeal to bigger and bigger worlds, now I am excited with university... :)


NEWS!! Discovered the light of a "super-earth" out the Solar System.

The space telescope Spitzer of NASA has detected for the first time the light of a "super-earth", called "Cancri 55 e" with infrared light. It's localized in the solar system of the star "Cancri 55", relatively "near" us, at 41 light years.

That is a historic moment because it opens another way to search life in other planets in space. The spaceship is very speciallized in the study of far atmospheres, and this technique can be used now in habitable planets.

The "super-earths" are bigger than our planet but are lighter than others, like Neptune. Cancri 55 e has the double of size than The Earth. It's covered of water (liquid and gas) and revolves around a sun.

Middle Cancri 55 e is always dark and the other part is always illuminated. This part is over 2000 grades Kelvin, then there metal can be melted!


NEWS!! First photo of an albino killer-whale!

A group of russian scientifics have photographed for first time a strange specimen of killer-whale, and albino one, at the north of the Pacific, at the east of the Kamchatka peninsula. It's name is Iceberg. (So cute, don't you think? ^^)

The killer-whale was seen with a group of twelve other killer-whales, in one of the biggest reserve of Russia. The photos have been published in this webpage: Russian Orca.

"Now, Iceberg is a symbol of all the things non discovered, pure, wild, fascinating and exciting that the ocean has." said Erich Hoyt director of Far East Russia Orca Project (FEROP). "The objective is to keep nature and the oceans healthy because all this kind of surprises could happen."


In my opinion, this is a very fascinating discovering, and makes me realize that all I want to do in my life is fight for nature, keep it calm and pure, make no one kill her, don't let no one dirty my home.


What to do in the summer...?

When I finish Batchillerat I'll be so happy and I'm sure I'll have some days to relax, maybe two weeks. I want to do the best I can now, because if I don't do it, after doing selectivity I will feel anxious about my final mark, and nervous because I could have done it better. Now, I'm going to university!

I will work with my father in our company: Frigos Inn, every mornings but saturday, and all day sunday. It's about a company of renting fridges to people in campings. My father goes with the big van camping to camping, delievering and returning frigos, and some others are cleaning them. I'm the girl that is at the phone, waiting for someone to call for any problems, to book a fridge or changing dates.

I will also, try to be most of the time with my loved boyfriend. I really love him, and we hope that this summer we could see us more, because with the school we can't so much. In July he will work in the mornings, as me, but in the afternoon we couldn't see us, because he lives in Blanes, 1 hour 15 minutes from me... but in August it will be better :).

The afternoons I will go to the beach, and go rollerblading... I'm really anxious, I want the summer!!!
Summerizing, I want to go to the beach and eat a lot of ice cream and candies to enjoy my final year in high school. Also, to pass a good time with my family and my boyfriend, I love them so! (in  different ways, of course :P)


Photos to... kitesurfers!!

Kitesurfing is a very eye-catching sport but it's also dangerous! I have a lot of times talked about it in this blog, but now it's different...!

My father is a kitesurfer since I was ten, and one day one year ago he asked me to go to the beach and take photos of him, and I went. After this, my parents gave me my great camera: Canon EOS 1100 D, because of my TDR. I needed my camera to take photos of my birds, but now I also use it for taking photos to my father and other kitesurfers.

First of all, I only took photos of my father, but when his kitesurfing friends saw me, and the photos I took to my father also wanted some of them... I'm thinking now to make a little money with this in the summer: 0,10 cents for photo you want, and if it's so good, we can bargain the price... =P

Now my boyfriend is thinking about doing kitesurfing, and I'm really happy (I don't practise it anyway XD). My father wants to teach him how to do it, and I hope he'll like it, it would be really nice! =3

Here I post some of my photos, share your opinion please!

This is a friend of my father. That day the sun wasn't shining, what a pitty :(

 Pep Clotas out there! Last year he was at highschool!

A lot of kitesurfers at the beach... 

Now, all it's about my father :3 xD 

Hope you had enjoyed! ;)


diumenge, 6 de maig del 2012

MANOWAR - Heart Of Steel

MANOWAR - Heart of Steel:

Build a fire  /  Encenc un foc
A thousand miles away  /  A mil milles de distància
To light my long way home  /  Per il·luminar la meva llarga tornada a casa
I ride a comet  /  Condueixo un cometa
My trail is long to stay  /  El meu camí és llarg per quedar-se
Silence is a heavy stone...  /  El silenci és una pedra dura...

I fight the world  /  Jo lluito contra el món
And take all they can give  /  I agafo tot el que hem poden donar
There are times my heart hangs low  /  Hi ha moments que el meu cor devalla
Born to walk against the wind  /  Nascut per caminar contra el vent
Born to hear my name  /  Nascut per sentir el meu nom
No matter where I stand  /  No importa on estigui
I'm alone  /  Estic sol

Stand and fight!  /  Aixeca't i lluita!
Live by your heart  /  Viu en base al teu cor
Always one more try...  /  Sempre una oportunitat més...
I'm not afraid to die  /  No estic espantat de morir

Stand and fight!  /  Aixeca't i lluita!
Say what you feel...  /  Digues el que sents...
Born with a heart of steel!  /  Nascut amb cor d'acer!

Burn the bridge behind you  /  Crema el pont darrere teu
Leave no retreat  /  No deixis escapada
There's only one way home  /  Només hi ha un camí cap a casa
Those who laugh and crowd the path  /  Aquells que se'n riuen o aglomeren el camí
And cut each other's throats  /  I es tallen les seves gargantes
Will fall like melting snow  /  Cauran com neu fosa

They will watch us rise  /  Ens veuran triomfar
With fire in our eyes!  /  Amb foc als nostres ulls!
They'll bow their heads  /  Abaixaran els caps
Their hearts will hang low  /  Els seus cors devallaran
Then we'll laugh and they will kneel  /  Llavors riurem, i ells s'ajeuran
And know this heart of steel was  /  I sabran que aquest cor d'acer era
Too hard to break  /  Massa fort de trencar
Too hard to hold  /  Massa fort de sostenir

Stand and fight!  /  Aixeca't i lluita!
Live by your heart  /  Viu en base al teu cor
Always one more try...  /  Sempre una oportunitat més...
I'm not afraid to die  /  No estic espantat de morir

Stand and fight!  /  Aixeca't i lluita!
Say what you feel...  /  Digues el que sents...
Born with a heart of steel!  /  Nascut amb cor d'acer!

PD: Thanks Manowar, to help me find my love destiny... (L)
