divendres, 4 de març del 2011


History of Australia:


SINCE: Immigration of the original inhabitants,

TO: the first European sighting confirmed in 1606.

The southern land has been inhabited by humans for between 42,000 and 48,000 years.

At that time there was a period of massive environmental change, result of human actions.

- First Australians were the ancestors of today's Aborigines:

Arrived by land bridges and short length steps from maritime Southeast Asia. Most of these people were hunter-gatherers with a tradition and spiritual values based on the worship of the earth and the belief of sleep time.

- The Torres Strait Islanders:

Ethnically Melanesian, inhabited the Torres Strait Islands and parts of far north Queensland, have different cultural practices to those of other Australian Aboriginal groups.

Contact with Asia:

For at least the past century, Calcutta has traded with the natives of the north coast.
1603: Matteo Ricci made a map of the known world at that time.

In the space where they would place Australia, noted:No one has been in this southern land, therefore we know nothing about it.

He also wrote in Chinese characters: Fire’s Land and Land of Parrots, which suggested that the Chinese knew or perhaps even visited Australia.

European exploration:

The earliest writings about the discovery of the Australian continent by European explorers date from the seventeenth century.

The first European sighting of the continent was made in 1606 by the Dutch navigator Willem Janszoon, who sailed through the Gulf of landing in the west coast of Cape York Peninsula.

However, some historians believe the Spanish expedition of Pedro Fernandez de Quiros sighted the Australian mainland a few months earlier.
In fact, the navigator Luis Vaez de Torres belonging to the Quiros expedition was the first to mapthe Torres Strait”.

Other writers have argued that Portuguese navigators discovered Australia even earlier, in the sixteenth century

(Cristovão de Mendonça – Botany Bay – 1522)

In 1770, Endeavour’s issue sailed and mapped the east coast of Australia, landing on the continent for the first time in Botany Bay on 29 April.

Then Cook turned north and, before leaving, he landed on Possession Island in the Torres Strait, on 22 August. There he formally claimed the eastern coast of Australia to the Kingdom of Great Britain and named New South Wales.

Settlement and colonization:

In the British Crown Colony of New South Wales, established a settlement and penal colony at Port Jackson (now part of Sydney) founded by Captain Arthur Phillip on 26 June 1788.

- Tasmania was founded in 1803 and became a separate colony in 1825.

- The UK claimed as its own the western part of Australia in 1829.

- Separate colonies were formed from portions of New South Wales: South Australia (1836), Victoria (1851) and Queensland (1859). The Northern Territory (1863) was founded as part of the province of South Australia.

- Victoria and South Australia were founded as "free", meaning they were never penal colonies.

- Western Australia was also founded "free", but agreed after penal transportation due to the scarcity of jobs suffering.

- New Zealand was part of New South Wales until 1840, when it became a colony by itself. The transportation of convicts was being gradually abolished throughout Australia between 1840 and 1864.
- The Northern Territory was divided by latitude 20 °S in Northern Australia and Central Australia.

- The Indigenous Population, (estimated at 350,000 inhabitants at the time of European settlement), was significantly reduced in the 150 years following that establishment, mainly due to infectious diseases with cultural disintegration and the forced resettlement suffered due to the advance of settlers.
The separation of Aboriginal children and their families, which some historians argue that indigenous and should be considered genocide under the laws of today, may have a small contribution to the population decline of the native peoples.
These interpretations of national history are a matter of discussion and are ranked by some as exaggerated and fabricated for political or ideological.
After approval of the referendum in 1967, the federal government gained the power to implement new policies and make laws with respect to Aborigines.

Assessment of the presentation:

Good things: Good pronunciation, good organization, good powerpoint, and very good information. Also, a good structure of the presentation.

Bad things: I was a bit nervous, and my voice showed this.

Note: 9


Book review:


Luce Price goes to a reformatory because she has been accused to kill his boyfriend with fire and to be mad.

When Luce Price went to the reformatory for the first time, she saw a strange boy. Mysterious and aloof, he captures Luce Price’s attention from the moment she sees him on her first day at the Sword & Cross boarding school in sultry Savannah, Georgia. He’s the one bright spot in a place where cell phones are forbidden, the other students are all mad, and security cameras watch every move.

Even though Daniel wants nothing to do with Luce and goes out of his way to make that very clear, but she can’t let it go. She has to find out what Daniel is so desperate to keep secret . . . even if it kills her, and finally, Luce dies with Daniel.

Incredible book, recommendable to teenagers and adults. A very dark, black, and sad love story.

News: Ibuprofen cuts Parkinson's disease risk!

People who take ibuprofen on a regular basis have a lower risk of developing Parkinson's disease, research suggests. The drug is commonly used to ease aches and pains but US research, in Neurology journal, found it had an added benefit.

In studies of more than 135,000 men and women regular users of ibuprofen were 40% less likely to develop Parkinson's. However, experts say it is too early to say whether the benefits of taking the drug outweigh the risk of side effects such as gastrointestinal bleeding.

Scientists have suspected for some time that anti-inflammatory drugs might help buffer against the disease but it was unclear which ones conferred a benefit. This most recent study suggests it is ibuprofen alone that has an effect.

We know that inflammatory changes in the brain may be involved in the death of nerve cells which cause Parkinson's, but ibuprofen can cause worrying side effects, like an increased risk of gastrointestinal bleeding. A recent study also linked ibuprofen taken daily for some years to a small increased risk of heart attack and stroke.


News: Hope for early bowel cancer DNA test!

Scientists have discovered what could be the first step towards a DNA test to detect the early signs of bowel cancer.

Tests on two distinct genes were highly accurate in distinguishing between malignant and benign tumours.

While not all polyps in the bowel become cancerous it is thought almost all bowel cancers develop from polyps.

The Cambridge study, in the BMJ journal Gut, analysed 261 samples from patients with benign polyps or bowel cancer. In particular it looked at what are called DNA methylation patterns - a key process in cell development.

The researchers at Cancer UK's Cambridge Research Institute at Cambridge University say that DNA methylation is essential for life.

This first step in detecting molecular 'flags' for bowel cancer, could, one day, lead to a simple test to search DNA for the early signs of the disease.

Dr Ashraf Ibrahim, the lead author of the study, says studying molecular changes could make diagnosing bowel cancer much simpler in the future.

The molecular signals, which tell genes whether to make proteins or not, can become jumbled in cancer cells. We've identified several places where this signal becomes damaged and shown this is linked to bowel cancer development.

Dr Lesley Walker, Cancer Research UK's director of cancer information, says the research opens up the possibility of much earlier diagnosis of bowel cancer, when it is easier to treat.

But there is still more to be done. Research like this is vital in our goal to develop the best methods to detect, monitor and treat cancer and improve survival.


News: The political situation in Libya

The political situation in Libya is really fragile.

All this began with a civilian revolution in Egypt. The president of Egypt finally had to resign to their population because all the country was in danger and also their family and the governement.

The revolution has been propagated since then to all the arabic countries, and all the governements are really scared of this. The Libyan and more governements had reinforced their army for all the country, but there are some cities and poblations that the rebels had already taken.

Now, the Libyan situation is the most dangerous that we can find, because the dictator doesn't want to resign, and all the world is afraid of a civil war in there. Also, Libya is one of the most importants countries that export petroleum, and now, Europe (speccialy Italy) will have to increase the prices of petroleum, and other materials.


Letter to the headmistress

Dear Madam,

I'm writing this letter to give my opinion of the high school in Castelló d'Empúries. I hope that these opinions will be useful in the future.

I think that the school is a little sad, and after all the years that I've been in the school, I keep with the same opinion and I'm sure that the students are not very happy here for this reason (and more). Also, there are some teachers that are not so good and everyone can see it, but anyone does nothing.

On the other hand, the high school also has good things. The education is good, it has a good level, and the people go to university very well trained, and there are very good teachers too.

It would be interesting that you answered my letter, then I could know your impression of my letter. Thank you.

Paula De Scheemaeker Cruset.

Description of a person: Kevin

Kevin is my best friend. He has got long black hair, big brown eyes, wide lips, he’s tall, and he’s got long fingers because he plays the guitar. He’s also got a friendly face, and he’s so attractive.

Kevin is really introverted. He is always with his guitar, but this is good for me because then I catch my guitar too, and we play together, but for the people that doesn’t know him it’s an unsociable boy. He plays the guitar, the piano, the ocarina, and the violin. He sometimes doesn’t want to talk with anyone, and then you have to let him alone. Kevin it’s a very good and kind boy. He’s always taking good care of his family and friends, and he’s never going to let you down, he’s so loyal. He’s happy and very nice with his friends. I think that one of the most things you have to respect if you want Kevin to be your friend is his space, he’s a very solitary boy. On the other hand, he really needs love and affection. Sometimes this is an inconvenient, because you don’t know when he’s lovely and when he’s a solitary boy. But it doesn’t affect me, because I know Kevin since I was doing second of ESO, and I know him a lot.

I think that the best thing of Kevin it’s his happiness. He has always given me a sunrise and a hand when I needed it, and this is what it’s important to see in a friend at the end. I always phone him and he’s never dissapointed me. He is, without doubt, my best friend.



Nana Komatsu is on her way to Tokyo. Now she can finally be with her boyfriend after a year of dating long-distance! On the train there, Nana Komatsu meets Nana Osaki – a girl who shares her name but seems to be everything Nana Komatsu is not; cool, street-wise, and a punk rocker. The two hit it off and spend the entire journey getting to know each other, but when they get to Tokyo, circumstance separates them it seems that forever.

However, fate is not finished with these two. Hunting for a place to live the two Nanas again cross paths. They decide to share a flat and become best friends in no time. Nana K. must learn to be independent and mature, while Nana O. works on becoming famous with her band, Blast, but together, they will learn about love and loss, and the growth that comes with it.

It's so curious, because Nana Komatsu is a girl that psychologically
it's really like Meriem Abjil, of our class. A really big big friend of me. So sweet, curious, chatty, and childish, and she's always like this.

and Nana Osaki is a girl that it's nearly like me, first she seems serious but she's so calm and funny and very self-confident, but inside her mind she's so vulnerable and fragile.

It's a really good anime, and I recomend it to all the people including all the ages.


My beagle, RAIG!

Raig is a very beautiful dog. He's a beagle.

The Beagle is a little hound dog. The large eyes are brown - hazel, and are so sweet. They have a wide, pendant ears, and I think that this is one think that becomes the beagles sweet, sometimes they have a sad expression.

They are tri-color (black, brown, and white). Beagles have a distinct howl of a bark when they are on the hunt.

The beagles are so social. Always have time to have fun with you. They are very friendly, and they're not going to bit you anyway. Also, they are thiefes, and you have to take off of the table all the food.

Raig ate bleach, a lot of chocolate, ink, and burnt oil... She's so crazy!! I don't know why she hasn't died yet... she's so strange. Her howl is so deep, like a male. I think she's lesbian. Why not? It's possible in this dog.

I love she, and she loves me. Sometimes, when I and my family went walking with our two dogs, Raig did some funny things.

Look, aren't the beagles so funny?

ENSIFERUM - LADY IN BLACK (viking metal)

With one word...

. . . POWERFUL . . .


She came to me one morning / Ella va vindre a mi un matí
One lonely sunday morning / Un matí solitari de diumenge
Her long hair flowing / El seu llarg cabell volant
In the midwinter wind / En el vent del mig hivern
I know not how she found me / No sé com hem va trobar
For in darkness I was walking / Per la foscor estava caminant
And destruction lay around me / I la destrucció descansava al meu voltant
From a fight I could not win / Per una lluita que no vaig poder guanyar
Ah ah ah ... / Ah ah ah ...

She asked me name my foe then / Després ella hem va demanar el nom del meu enemic
I said the need within some men / Vaig dir la necessitat de dins d'alguns homes
To fight and kill their brothers / Per lluitar i matar els seus germans
Without thought of love or god / Sense pensar en amor o déu
And I begged her give me horses / Vaig demanar-li que hem donés caballs
To trample down my enemies / Per pissotejar els meus enemics
So eager was my passion / Tant impacient era la meva passió
To devour this waste of life / De devorar aquesta pèrdua de vida
Ah ah ah ... / Ah ah ah ...

But she wouldn't think of battle that / Però ella no va voler pensar en la batalla que
Reduces men to animals / Redueix els homes a animals
So easy to begin / Tant fàcil de començar
And yet impossible to end / I tant difícil d'acabar
For she's the mother of our men / Perquè ella és la mare dels nostres homes
Who counselled me so wisely then / La que m'ha aconsellat sabiament llavors
I feared to walk alone again / Vaig tenir por de caminar sol altre cop
And asked if she would stay / I hem vaig preguntar si ella voldria quedar-se
Ah ah ah ... / Ah ah ah ...

Oh lady lend your hand outright / Oh senyora deixa la teva mà indiscutida
And let me rest here at your side / I deixa'm quedar-me aquí al teu costat
Have faith and trust / Tenir confiança i creure
In peace she said / En la pau ella va dir
And filled my heart with life / I va omplir el meu cor amb vida
There is no strength in numbers / No hi ha força en els nombres
Have no such misconception / No tenir tal error
But when you need me / Però quan tu em necessites
Be assured I wont be far away / Estigues segura que no estaré ben lluny
Ah ah ah ... / Ah ah ah ...

Thus having spoke she turned away / Així mentres estàvem parlant es va girar
And though I found no words to say / Encara que no vaig trobar paraules per dir
I stood and watched until I saw / Vaig quedar-me dret i vaig observar fins que vaig veure
Her black cloak disappear / La seva capa negra desaperèixer
My labour is no easier / La meva labor no és fàcil
But now I know I'm not alone / Però ara sé que no estic sol
I find new heart each time / He trobat un cor nou cada cop
I think upon that windy day / Crec que sobre aquest dia ventós
And if one day she comes to you / I si algun dia ella vé cap a tu
Drink deeply from her words so wise / Beu profundament de les seves paraules saviament
Take courage from her / Agafa coratge d'ella
As your prize / Com el teu preu
And say hello from me / I digue's-li hola de part meva
Ah ah ah ... / Ah ah ah ...

***So deep...***


Heavy METAL! (2)

Heavy metal is the only music that exists for me. It's passionate, hard, and POWERFUL!! It's a method to eliminate a lot of stress, and to rebel oneself. With metal, you say what you think, what you're agree and what you're not. My love to this music is incredible... If you are sad, or unhappy, hiperactive, happy..., Heavy Metal is always there. For the bad, and good things!!

Heavy metal is a expression. Heavy metal is a wide umbrella characterizing a style of music that is generally loud and aggressive. There are genres that are very melodic, and other genres that are extreme and underground.

I like all the genres of heavy metal... all the styles are impressionant. There are a lot of bands, and I know a lot of them. Sometimes, I know too much bands, and I cannot listen all, all the time.

I play the guitar, and my style logically is metal. I usually play the ritmic guitar, I'm not very good for solos. I play songs of the bands Iron Maiden, Scorpions, Judas Priest, Dio, Helloween, Saxon, Manowar, Motörhead, Skid Row, W.A.S.P., etc.
A example of one song of Iron Maiden that I play:

I'm a little lonely in this term, because there aren't girls that like heavy metal, and fewer that play instruments, or sing. It's unusual. I only find girls in Barcelona, and one in Fortià, that sings, her name is Nessie. Yes, it's awful...

There are some boys, they like to play metal with me, but they don't want to do a band because they say that the girls are not so powerful in the metal as boys. It's a stupid personality that the majority of the boys have, and I hate it!

The role in the girls in metal usually it's in the groupies. There goes a phrase that explain this simply: "Sex, drugs, and rock n' roll!!". And, exactly, the girls are the word "sex". I want to make a band with girls, and show to the world, that the girls can do heavy metal too, and better!!

But I'm the only one!! Grr... -.-''

But, anyway, I have the boys!!! My friends are usually boys... and I like it! If they have a problem, they tell you what it is, and if they are angry with you they are direct and they tell to you what is going on. The usual girls of nowdays are a little complex, and I don't understand them. I'm good with my metal friends!!


My brother!! ^^

My brother has 11 years old, he's name is Sergi, and he's so sweet!

He has blond hair, almond-shaped eyes, and a beauty round-face, with freckles. The people says that I don't look like Sergi. But when for Carnival he put a wig hiding he's blond hair, we were so similar. They say that my brother face is like my father's, and he's body is like my mother's, and I, the reverse.

He's a little tedious, but if I compare my brother with my friend's brothers, I see that mine is the best I can't ever had. He's so respectful with my space and my privacy, and this it's very important in a teenager.

He's not like the other little brothers or sisters. He's not trying to be like me, like the other little brothers, he has his own style, and music!! But, however, now he's going to let his hair grow up, because he says that I will love him more... sometimes, he's so cute, and sometimes, he's so selfish, but, anyway...

... I think that he's the best little brother that can ever be in the world.


My idol!!!

Dimebag Darrell is my idol because he was a very speacial guitarrist. He played so good and so diferent than any other guitarrist, and he was so genuine. His solos and riffs were perfect and his style was very original.

Pantera was his band, but then he went to another band, leaving Pantera. It's name was Damageplan, but all his fame and the best music he could do was with Pantera.

Now, he's dead, and now I'm gonna tell us why.

Dime has been murdered meanwhile was doing a concert the 8th of December of 2004 in a night club in Columbus, Ohio. Nathan Gale, he was 25 years old, from Marysville, he came into the club at 10 pm, when the concert has just began. Gale went to the left side of the concert hall, and he went directly to the right side, where there was Dime. Gale took Dime for the shoulder, and he shot to Dime's head two times. Dime died immediately at 38 years old.

Gale killed Halk, and Thompson, and hurting Paluska. Gale caught Brooks, but the policeman James D. Niggermeyer, the brother of Dime, shot to him in the neck, killing him.

The policeman James D. Niggermeyer went then to the jury. Niggermeyer has been declared innocent and praised. He's a hero for the fans and friends of Pantera and Dimebag Darrell. He's an hero... but, now Dime is dead, and no one can do metal like he could do it. He was the god of the thrash metal. The god of the gods of the thrash metal...


If I could do anything to relive he, his power, the god, the incarnation of thrash metal music, I'll do it immediately, that's for sure. I admire you Dime, and you will never die. The comunity of metal will always remember you, and if they one day they forget you (impossible), you'll stay in my heart for ever, in my soul forever, because you are the best guitarrist that I've ever listened in the world. Your passion, your style, and your character... so hard... you'll be in our heart, and in my heart, FOR EVER!!!

I'm sure that we and I will never forget you.


And the last...

For ever in our heart.


A sad goodbye, and a loving sunrise through a white door.

When I finished 4th of primary, my parents bought me two beautiful dogs.

Those dogs were called Lulu and Baldufa, and they were really cute and happiness. They had three months when I recieved them.

When they arrived to my house (We were in my grandmother's house when my parents gave me the puppies), they were really happy, and active. They were running along the house and the garden about 3 days, it was so funny.

A many time ago, Lulu was really good, and healthy, but Baldufa, was a little sad, and relaxed, calmed. Baldufa wasn't good. When I went to the dog and saw her face, I become sad. The dog looked me sad, and her eyes evoked suffering.

Immediately, I comunicated this to my father. Me and my family went to the veterinary, and he told us that Baldufa was good, but a little tired, but only this.

And, three months ago, my dog was getting worng. Her legs were going so bad.

My family and I went to a lot of vets, and they shown us a wrong information.

Then, we when to a really good vet, and he said to us that my dog, was going to die, for a puppy's illness. Probably the dog took this illness for a bad puppy medication.

We were really sad, and I had to say goodbye to my dog through a white and horrible door. My dog looked at me before pass the door, and show me the last, and the most beautiful sunrise that I saw in my life in a dog. I think that Baldufa wanted to say to me: ''Paula, don't worry, be happy! Bye bye.''

My puppy was like this: