divendres, 4 de març del 2011

Letter to the headmistress

Dear Madam,

I'm writing this letter to give my opinion of the high school in Castelló d'Empúries. I hope that these opinions will be useful in the future.

I think that the school is a little sad, and after all the years that I've been in the school, I keep with the same opinion and I'm sure that the students are not very happy here for this reason (and more). Also, there are some teachers that are not so good and everyone can see it, but anyone does nothing.

On the other hand, the high school also has good things. The education is good, it has a good level, and the people go to university very well trained, and there are very good teachers too.

It would be interesting that you answered my letter, then I could know your impression of my letter. Thank you.

Paula De Scheemaeker Cruset.

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