Some people in class play it, like Pere or Pablo, and me. My boyfriend also plays LoL, and you can meet a lot of people there, because it's and online game. I can play with my boyfriend and his friends of the class, and make battles in one team.

When you log in with your account (it's free :D), you have your battle points (that you win playing the game), which allows you to buy new heroes or Riot Point
s (that you recharge with real money = euro, I won't pay anything for the game) which allows you to buy different aspects of the heroes or heroes faster.
This game consists of invade the enemy's base, by your own hero of legend. You can make so many types of game: 3 vs. 3, 5 vs. 5, Dominion (capture bases)... I usually do 3 vs. 3 when I'm alone, and when I play with other people 5 vs. 5. It's a strategy game, and you have to think a lot what to do to kill the other heroes, when, and how! The two teams have subdits that help to win the battle. You can talk with the other players with a chat, and make strategy.

All the heroes have a story, and it's good to catch the ones you are similar to. My first hero was an ice archer, Ashe, but now I've found my perfect one: Nidalee. Nidalee is a girl from the wild jungle, that is an archer, but when she was little a family of pumas adopted her, and now she can convert in one of them, and she's so powerful!

PD: In the game we always speak english... practice for school!! XD
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