A man intented to do surf with an oar, and people laughted at him. Then, the man began teaching the young ones and doing long tables to support the weight of the body standing on, one thing that with surf you can't do.

Another advantatge is that you have a lot of versatility in this new sport. Stand up paddle boarding offers surfers the ability to catch more waves in a set. Here in Sant Pere Pescador this is very useful, because the waves are not too big to do surf, but for paddle surfers are perfect.
Now this sport has been extended around the world, and a lot of people do it. So many girls practise it. Since I practise this sport, all my body's been better than after doing it, and I think that's because this sport moves all your body, specially your arms.
Incredibly, I go paddle surfing with my father... and my dog!! Is very, very funny... as you can see!! ^^

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