The mystery of death before us, Soon every night can bring the light... and close my eyes. Sometimes life in here is too limiting... Sometimes we don´t care at all, sometimes... SONATA ARTICA
The climatic change makes terrible and powerful variations at the global distribution of plants and animals, but there aren’t effects at long periods of time, yet. This has worsened the task of discovering how every taxonomic group is affected for those changes and what the real consequences are.
“A specific type of organism is adapted to its environment, and this provides it the optimum conditions for his metabolism, diet and reproduction.” explains the biologist of the study Constantí Stefanescu, of the Natural Science Museum of Granollers. “If the temperature changes, animals have also to make it at the same time and speed, but they usually can’t do it. This is told Climatic Debt.”
During two decades the climatic change has been studied and its consequences for 9.490 comunities of birds and 2.130 of butterflies around Europe. Between 1990 and 2008 the European temperature has displaced 250 km north. The bird’s comunities only moved 37 km since then and butterflies moved 114 km.
And the adaptative answer to the climatic changes depends of a lot of factors, for example, the landscape barriers and the characteristics of every type of specie. “Birds are slower than butterflies because their vital cicle is longer, and the poblational response is slower.” says Stefanescu.
The results of the study are really important because the climatic change is what really matters (in general) and also that if some species are affected for the climatic change, all the food chain would be totally affected.