divendres, 18 de novembre del 2011

NEWS!! Discovered a nest with rests of baby dinosaurs!

A nest with the fossils of 15 young dinosaurs inside, which apparently were buried by a landslide when they were still alive, was discovered by a group of scientists and paleontologists.

The discovery has been in a cave in Tugrikinshire, Mongolia, and they were 'baby dinosaurs' of gender 'Protoceratops'.

After relevant studies and reviews, scientists and paleontologists have calculated that the nest had a measure of a meter in diameter and their shape was round.

The researchers also succeeded in establishing that the young dinosaur species 'Protoceratops' shared a lot of time with their parents, specially during the early stages of growth, as was discovered the nest with their fossil remains.


I think that all this discoveres are so important because a lot species that we have now in our planet come from all this dinosaurs, and my opinion about this is that we have to learn a lot about the past, to build a predictible future about species.


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