divendres, 19 de novembre del 2010

Notice 3: The Antimatter

Up to a total of 38 atoms of antihydrogen, the opposite of normal hydrogen, have been trapped for a split second, that on a scientific time is a long time, at the European Laboratory for Particle Physics (CERN, near Geneva). Being so confined, physicists can begin to study in detail their properties and see if we can extract conclusions of what have happened to the antimatter at origin of the universe.

Alpha Experiment, the European
Laboratory for Particle Physics (CERN, near Geneva), has captured and contained atoms of antihydrogen.

Antimatter is like the matter but the opposite, as his image in a mirror particles with equal but opposite charge. The antiparticle of the electron, negatively charged, the positron is positively charged. Its existence was predicted by the brilliant British physicist Paul Dirac in 1931 and found experimentally some years later. Today antiparticles work is no longer a scientific exoticism and take advantage, for example in medical instruments such as positron emission tomography.

If a hydrogen atom is made of one proton and one electron, the antihydrogen is an antiproton and a positron.


Notice 2: A Strange planet that have become for another galaxy.

If the majority of the 500 planets that we have discovered into another orbits different from the Sun are strange (for their sizes, the distance to the star, ...), the last discovered win the prize of the most rare. Its star it's so old, and probably it has expended a lot, and the star had eaten the planet, but then this planet has been already contracted. The planet belonged to a neighboring dwarf galaxy and ended up in our Milky Way, gravitationally engulfed in an episode of galactic cannibalism, makes between 6000 and 9000 years. The peculiar planet is called HIP 13044.

It has been discovered with a special telescope of 2,2 meters of diameter in Chile.

It's the first planetic system inside a stellar group with extragalactic origin. It is at 2000 light years of the Earth, and it's localized in the South hemisphere sky, into the Fornax constellation. His mass it's about 1,25 Júptiers, and his orbit very ellíptic takes 16,2 days to be complete. It's very close to its sun.


dimarts, 16 de novembre del 2010

Film Review: JACKASS 3D!!

Director: Jeff Tremaine.
Writer: Preston Lacy.
Stars: Johnny Knoxville, Steve-O and Bam Margera.

Johnny Knoxville

Release Date: 5 November 2010 (Spain).


Jackass boys return and now they show again that they are able to stake their lives for whatever stupid.

Jackass films are full of funny and heavy things, and you'll only like this scenes if you like the humor films. The style of the film it's the same of the serial and the other films, but with new experiences, and with the special effect of 3D.

If you love stupid things and rare and disgusting things and scenes, you have to see Jackass 3D, but if you don't like it, the best it's that you go to watch another film.

If you like or not the film it's so relative for all this that I wrote.



Thirteen it's a film that shows some problems that the teenagers can have if they go with bad companies.

Also, that it's very important for a family to be a unit, and that this teenager or the teenagers have to have their space, and the parents have to accept this. That their sons are not a child anymore, and are pre-adults.

The book of Adrian Mole in my opinion it's light if you compare it with the film. Maybe I have this impression because the film have visual scenes, and the book only have the text.

The book of Adrian Mole it's shorter, and he's not becoming a bad boy in the book. He is only having bad times, and bad house situation. And in the film of Thirteen the girl, has a bad house situation, but also she takes drugs, and her conscience become bad.

The film I think that it's better for a lot of things. Some of them are that the film has images and subtitles in spanish, and it's easier to understand, and the book only has the vocabulary, but the language is easier than the language of the film.

The film, had a profund impact in me, because it shows you the extrem puverty that the people can suffer, and a little of all the risks of the bad companies, and the book of Adrian Mole is more specific.



Once upon a time there was a little girl named Lita that was always looking at the sky. She thought that the stars were white angels that were taking care of her every day and every night.

One of these nights, while she was stiff on the dense grass of the forest, she saw a shooting star. She got surprised, and while she was making her own an angel felt from the dark sky like a brilliant comet and when he touched down, it lost his light. Lita was very surprised.

Lita went up to the fallen angel and looked at his long white hair, and his white skin, when he was on the ground.

Suddenly, the angel stood up quickly with his silver wings. He had purple eyes. Lita said: "Hello, are you a silver star?" and the angel said: "Hi, I'm your guardian, and you'll come with me to my town, because you love us and you aren't an ordinary girl. My name is Atil, and I'm from the Virgo constellation.

Lita remembered that her horoscope sign was Virgo, and she relate her name with Atil.

Atil asked Lita if she would go with him into space, and she said that probably, because she was an orphan and she didn't have anything there on Earth that she loved specially except her dog, but Atil said that Sippup (the little dog of Lita) could go with them.

Finally, Lita went to Virgo with Atil, and Sippup formed a famous constellation, named Puppis, and they lived happily ever after.


Teacher presentation

Hi teacher!!

I’m Paula De Scheemaeker Cruset and I live in Sant Pere Pescador. I have two dogs, two beagles, they are so funny!! I play the guitar, and I love painting, and swimming. I have a band, and I’m the ritmic guitar. We play heavy metal, and sometimes we’ve some concerts!!

Where I live, it’s not so interesting, because it’s a turistic but small town, so there isn’t too much things to do (specially if you like heavy metal and this...).
Also, sometimes I go out with my friends.In the summer usually in the beach, with rollerblades, and in the afternoons, we meet to eat a pizza. In the winter it’s so cold, and I have to study a lot, so I don’t meet friends so much.

At the moment, I’m doing 1st batxillerat. We haven’t begin to do exams, but I’m studying too. I want to do biology, or something like this, in Barcelona. I go swimming every Friday at Escala’s swimming pool. It’s so relaxing. I love winter because it’s so warm in the house, and I love it. Especially when it rains, and you’re so warm into the bed!

diumenge, 14 de novembre del 2010



Infinite dreams I can't deny them /
Somnis infinits, no puc negar-los
Infinity is hard to comprehend / L'infinit és tant difícil de comprendre
I couldn't hear those screams / No podria sentir aquells crits
Even in my wildest dreams / Fins i tot en els meus somnis més salvatges

Suffocation waking in a sweat / L'asfíxia caminant en la suor
Scared to fall asleep again / Espantada de caure adormida altre cop
Incase the dream begins again / Per si el somni comença altre cop
Someone chasing I cannot move / Algú hem persegueix no hem puc moure
Standing rigid nightmare's statue / Restant dreta estàtua d'un malson
What a dream! when will it end? / Quin somni! quan acabarà?
And will I transcend? / I ho superaré?

Restless sleep the minds in turmoil / Dormir agitat, la ment en agitació
One nightmare ends another fertile / Un malson acaba un altre de fèrtil
Getting to me so scared to sleep / Posant-me a mi, tant espantada de dormir
But scared to wake now, in too deep / Però m'espanta d'aixecar-me ara, tant adormida.

Even though its reached new heights / Tot i així ha sobrepassat nous límits
I rather like the restless nights / Sospito com les nits mogudes
It makes me wonder it makes me think / Hem fa qüestionar-me, hem fa pensar
There's more to this I'm on the brink / Que hi ha més que això, estic al límit
It's not the fear of what's beyond / No és la por del que està passant
It's just that I might not respond / És tan sols que potser no respondré
I have an interest almost craving / Tinc un interès anhelat
But would I like to get too far in? / Però m'agradaria endinsar-m'hi tant?

It can't be all coincidence / No pot ser tot una coincidència
Too many things are evident / Masses coses són evidents
You tell me you're an unbeliever / Tu hem dius que no ets creient
Spiritualist? Well me I'm neither / Espiritualista? Bé jo tampoc ho sóc
But wouldn't you like to know / Però no t'agradaria de saber
The truth / La veritat
Of what's out there to have the proof / De què hi ha allà a fora per tenir-ne una prova
And find out just which side / Per saber de quin costat
You're on / estàs
Where would you end in Heaven or / On acabaràs, al cel o
In Hell? / a l'infern?

Help me. Help me to find my true / Ajuda'm, ajuda'm a trobar la veritat
Self without seeing the future / Fins i tot sense veure el futur
Save me, save me from torturing / Salva'm, salva'm de torturar-me
Myself even within my dreams / a mi mateix fins i tot en els meus somnis

There's got to be just more to it / Hi ha d'haver alguna cosa més
Than this / Que això
Or tell me why do we exist / O explica'm perquè existim
I'd like to think that when I die / M'agradaria pensar això quan mori
I'd get a chance another time / M'agradaria tenir una altra oportunitat un altre temps
And to return and live again / De tornar i viure altre cop
Reincarnate, play the game / Reencarnar-me, jugar al joc
Again... and again... and again...! / Altre cop... altre cop... altre cop...!

PD: I love specially this song because the letter is incredible, and the melody it's so good too!!



All board step right this way... / Tots a bord, camineu per aquest camí...
The dark ride is leaving soon... / EL viatge fosc se n'anirà aviat...
Just sign your name on the dotted line... / Només escriu el teu nom a la línia de punts...
All I want is just your soul... / Tot el que vull és només la teva ànima...
Tighten your belt and lets go... / Apreteu els cinturons i marxem...

Standing in line to get to the fairground / Continuant en línia per anar a la fira
Heading to the wicke
d side
/ Vacilant cap al costat malvat

One way ticket, there is no returning / Viatge d'anada, no hi ha tornada
Leave your soul at the gates / Deixa la teva ànima a les gàbies.

Out of doubt, no hope / No dubtes, no esperança
Satan feeds our madness / Satan alimenta la nostra bojeria
Insanity confirms where we stand / La insanitat confirma on estem
Spit the red vile breath and / Escopiu la vil i vermella respiració i
Wrath is our gift that / La ira és el nostre regal que
Leads direct to Armageddon...! / Dirigeix directe cam a Armageddon...!

Take a place - on the dark ride / Agafa plaça - al viatge fosc
Slowly creeping up - quickly coming down / Lentament pujant - ràpidament baixant
Take a spin on the dark ride / Capgira't al viatge fosc
May too far from the other side / Potser massa lluny per l'altre costat

Step inside and take this final journey / Camina cap a dins i agafa aquesta última vacança
Your fantasies will come true / Les teves fantasies es faràn realitat
Inclination without liberation / Inclinació sense salvació
Life's carousel is catching you / La corretja de la vida t'està agafant

Even through the darkest phase / Fins i tot la més fosca frase
Be it thick or thin / Sigui curta o llarga
I'm your pain when you can't feel / Sóc el teu patiment quan pots sentir
Driven to our final fate / Conduïnt cap a la nostra última sort.
Jump out of this game / Surt d'aquest joc
Can we ever stop this ride to hell? / Podrem algun dia parar aquest viatge a l'infern?

Take a place - on the dark ride / Agafa plaça - al viatge fosc
Slowly creeping up - quickly coming down / Lentament pujant - ràpidament baixant
Take a spin on the dark ride / Capgira't al viatge fosc
May too far from the other side / Potser massa lluny de l'altre costat

Is there any wonder? / Hi ha alguna esperança?
Why we came about / Per què vam venir
Was it for love? / Va ser per amor?
Or to let sin abound / O per deixar el pecat abundant
Isn't it a wonder? / No hi ha cap esperança?
Awake from blood thick dreams / Alçats dels sangrients i densos somnis
Remove all the stones from our hearts / Remoure totes les pedres dels nostres cors
We must all believe / Hem de creure

Oh, will we find a way to the other side / Oh, trobarem un camí cap a l'altra banda
Heading for a light / Dirigits per una llum
Who is holding the key...? / Qui està subjectant la clau...?
Why can't we see...? / Per què no ho podem veure...?
The dark ride / El viatge fosc

I force the engine of your deadly sins / Jo forço el motor dels vostres mortals pecats
Even through the darkest phase / Fins i tot a través de la frase més fosca
Be it thick or thin / Sigui curta o llarga
I'm your pain when you can't feel / Sóc el teu patiments quan pots sentir
I know too well you'll follow me, / Sé perfectament que hem seguiràs,
You follow me down / Cap abaix

Is there any wonder? / Hi ha alguna esperança?
Why we came about / Per què hem vingut abaix
Was it for love? / Va ser per amor?
Or to let sin abound / O per deixar els pecats abundants
Isn't it a wonder? / No hi ha cap esperança?
Awake from blood thick dreams / Despertar dels somnis sangrients i llargs
Remove all the stones from our hearts / Remoure totes les pedres dels nostres cors
We must all believe! / Hem de creure!

dissabte, 13 de novembre del 2010

Notice: The precarious but Profound Middle Ground in the Struggle Between Religion and Science.

This text talks about the ideology of the narrator and the others's ideas.

The narrator's ideology is about religion, is that he defends it, specially Christianity, against Atheists. Atheists says that a religious man cannot live in a modern society, and that they have to abandon their ideas and move to the civilization.

The narrator, answers that it's true that there are some Christians that hold their ideas from the past, and their view of the modern world is oblivious, and also to the progress of the science. Also, he says that the scientific socitety doesn't accept people that don't think always scientific.

But he thinks that there are people that are religious but also believe in science, only that they accept theological reasons, and get their science from the Bible.

He accepts that there are two highly polarized sides, and that there isn't a mid-term, or a middle ground. He's trying to get more Christian people to believe in evolution (to make a mid-term). Why the victory of one side prescribes defeat on the other, he questions.


My oral presentation and my own evaluation.


Hi, I’m Paula De Scheemaeker Cruset and this is my oral presentation and I’m going to talk about Belgium, my father’s country, a lot of my family is there and I love Belgium too.

Structure of my presentation:
First, we’re going to talk about the general characteristics (global situation, climatic temperature, landscape).
Then, the characteristic food (waffles, chocolate, beers, and mussels).
Then we’re gonna see the diferences between the sports here in Spain and there, and finally the political situation (the Walloon people and the Flemish people).

The general characteristics:
Belgium is a country in the middle of Europe; it was created in 1830 when it became independent from Holland.
It has always been a cold region and there it’s always raining and snowing.
The landscape it’s so beautiful, and the most of the houses are made of slate and most of the streets are made of stones. There are so many forests, and it has a cold coast, and because this most of the people there comes here for the warm beach.

Characteristic food:
Waffles: it’s a food that you cannot forget to eat if you go to Belgium. Usually people here know them like “goffres”, and there are a lot of combinations of them (with chocolate, sugar, ice cream, strawberries...)

- Chocolate: the best chocolate you can eat is in Belgium, usually pralines. The most important companies of Belgium chocolate are Leonidas and Neuhaus.

- Beer: There are 250 types of diferent Belgian beers, and the origins are with the friars in the Middle Age. In the winter, the companies make special beers. Ex: Judas, Duvel, Leffe...

- Mussels: The most classic way to eat Belgian mussels is “moulés mariniere”, and it’s presented with white wine.

- Sports:
Here in Spain most of the sports are outside, and because in Belgium it’s very cold some of them are inside. Two examples of them are ice skating and ice hockey.

The political situation:
Belgium is separated in two parts: Wallonia Land (the people speak French), and Flanders Land (there is the capital Brussels, and they speak Nederlands and Deutch).
In Belgium there are three oficial languages: German, Dutch, and French.



Now it’s time to improve for next presentation.Write down a LITERAL TRANSCRIPTION of your presentation.
Well... My presentation was going to be better, but I’m a human and I got nervous, and my words didn’t came out of my mouth. But, anyway, I think that it has been satisfactory if you know that it’s the first of this year.

Is your grammar correct, complex? (verbs, word order, tenses learnt inclass)? YES

Is your vocabulary rich and varied (synonyms, idioms, phrasal verbs,expressions, topic-related vocabulary…)? NO

Do you use sentence linkers? (and, but, moreover, also, furthermore,although, however…) MEDIUM

Do you use pause fillers? (well, you know, for example, one second,repeating a word…) MEDIUM

Do you organize your ideas in order of importance? YES
Do you use discourse markers to make your ideas more clear? (First, then, secondly, on the one hand, on the other, finally…) YES

All my mistakes are into the language, into the expression.

Are you a teacher? Your note! 8'5


My best friends

1. My best friends.
Yes, these are my friends. Well, my strange friends.

1.1. Kevin.
Kevin is a kind person. It's a person that I love a lot. He teaches me a lot of things. He's my boyfriend, and I really love he. He's so funny a lot of times! He's a little sadic. <3 He's music personality is so similar that mine and Robbert's personality. Kevin plays the guitar so cool, and always we practice together. I love Kevin a lot, he's a big part of me.

1.2. Robbert.
Robbert is a strange person. He's my best friend. He is so shy and reserved with the people that he don't know, but he's so cool with me and the people that he knows. It's a very nice person too. He's music personality is so similar that mine and Kevin's personality. Now I don't see him periodically, because I'm studying a lot, and he's working, because he left the school. But, anyway, we have or comunication too. ;)

1.3. Shannon.
Shannon is my best friend (girl). We meet the first time in second of ESO. She was a rare and very shy person. My 1st vision of she was so horrible. She was wearing a pink t-shirt, and she was like a normal girl. And normaly the normal girls are not my best friends. But, we met more in St. Pere Pescador, because she lives in my village, and I knew that she will be a very important person for me. She's my right hand. It's a pity that this month he will go to Scotland (because she's from there), and I will be very sad.

1.4. Sellés.
Natalia Sellés is one of my best friends since I was in the kindergarten. I can descrive her personality with four words. - She is so crazy! - But she's a good and funny person. Natalia is so admirable. He's so happy all the day. You'll never see Natalia crying or depressed, only sad in the school ;P.

1.5. Laurence.
Laurence is a strange person. I admire he. He's so crazy, like Natalia Sellés, but with a diferent vision. I knew him for Robert, and I'm so happy to have a friend like he. He lives in St. Feliu De Guíxols, but Robert, Kevin and I go to his town sometimes. He's so mysterious, serious, and reserved. He's from Germany.

1.6. Brian.
I met Brian in the high school last year. He's a strange person too (the most of my friends are so strange), and he's so funny. He's from Germany too, like Laurence, and he plays the guitar like me! He's a good friend.

1.7. Laila and Meriem.
I knew Laila the last year in Physics... I think. Well, it's not important. And Meriem, I knew she in 1st of ESO, with the manga people. The most important thing of them it's that they're always smiling. ALWAYS! I think that they wouldn't shut up her mouth even under the water (with love). The two love South Corea. I go with them every day, and we have created a very good friendship this year.

1.8. Nessie.
Nessie it's the singer of our group. It's the only metal girl I know. A REAL METAL GIRL. She lives in Fortià like my boyfriend Kevin, and she's very funny. Sometimes she is so depressed, and you cannot do anything for she, but sometimes you can encourage she, and then it's good.

1.9. Aleix.
Aleix it's my painting best friend. We're always talking of our paintings and styles, and music too, because he's the bassist of the group. I love her inside peace, and the peace that she gives to anyone. It's so calmly.

PD: I don't have pictures of all my friends, sorry!! >.<"



Í have a band, and we are:

Kevin (my boyfriend) --> lead guitar.

Nessie --> vocals.

Cristian --> drums.

Aleix Serra --> bass.

Paula (I) --> ritmic guitar.

I'm so happy with this band, specially because they are my best friends, and we play our favourite music, logically.

We rehearse in Fortià every Saturday or Friday in Nessie's house. She has two dogs that are always happy, and they are looking at us when we're reharing.

We have done some concerts, and I have won 85 euros, only with four concerts!! It's good for a student, to earn some money when she's studyind, because when you can go out in the night and you don't have to ask to parents for money. Sometimes it's annoying.

We'll do three or four concerts in this next month, December. In Llançà, Castelló and Empuriabrava. I'm really proud of me and my effort to reach this aim.

And sometimes, we do concerts but after them we don't earn money. But it isn't important!! We have a good time with friends, and that's always the best thing when we play together.

With the band, I'm learning a lot! Before I was in the band, some people that was in one said me that you learn a lot in a band, and it's true!!

Finally, I have to say that for me it's difficult to combine the band with the study. But when I can play with them, I do it. But I know people that for the band, they left the studies, and now they can't return into school, and it's sad.


My brother!!

He has 12 years old, he's name is Sergi, and he's so sweet!

He has blond hair, almond-shaped eyes, and a beauty round-face, with freckles. The people says that I don't look like Sergi. But when for Carnival he put a wig hiding he's blond hair, we were so similar. They say that my brother face is like my father's, and he's body is like my mother's, and I, the reverse.

He's a little tedious, but if I compare my brother with my friend's brothers, I see that mine is the best I can't ever had. He's so respectful with my space and my privacy, and this it's very important in a teenager.

He loves Angelina Jolie, and specially Tomb Raider films.

He's not like the other little brothers or sisters. He's not trying to be like me, like the other little brothers, he has his own style, and music!! But, however, now he's going to let his hair grow up, because he says that I will love him more, because I like the boys with long hair... sometimes, he's so cute, and sometimes, he's so selfish, but, anyway......

I think that he's the best little brother that can ever be in the world, with good, and bad things.


dimarts, 9 de novembre del 2010

A interesting dog: BEAGLE

Yes, this are my dogs. I love them. They're always so happy and they make me smile every day, and every time I look to them.

They're beagles, a very sociable type of dog. They are similar in appearance to theFoxhound but smaller, with shorter legs and longer softer ears. They is tricolor (black, white and brown-orange).

They come from England. They have a good sense of smell that makes of them good dogs to follow trails. Beagles are intelligent, and are popular as pets because of their size, and lack of inherited health problems. These characteristics also make them the dog of choice for animal testing, sadly.

One thing that is interesting to know is that beagles have existed for 2,000 years!! The origin of the word "beagle" is uncertain, although it has been suggested that the word derives from the French begueule (meaning "open throat", "open wide" and "mouth") or from an Old English word "beag", meaning "little." Other possibilities include the German begele (meaning "to scold").

In the past and now, the hunters used this dogs to hunt rabbits, and sometimes they found some poars! And was incredible that this medium-size dogs could catch them.

My fathers gave one of my actually two dogs when I was only 9 years old, and it was Lulu. A cute and special dog. Raig is a puppy of Lulu.

Lulu Raig



- They love sleeping. They sleep like a log!

- They are hunting dogs. The man used them for hunting for 500 years. Protects the people that they know if they are in danger.

- They eat everything. They would never stop.

- They are a very adaptable dogs. They can live in a garden, or into a house. But it's recommended that they have free space for making their things.

- They're like me because all of these characters!!