dissabte, 13 de novembre del 2010

My brother!!

He has 12 years old, he's name is Sergi, and he's so sweet!

He has blond hair, almond-shaped eyes, and a beauty round-face, with freckles. The people says that I don't look like Sergi. But when for Carnival he put a wig hiding he's blond hair, we were so similar. They say that my brother face is like my father's, and he's body is like my mother's, and I, the reverse.

He's a little tedious, but if I compare my brother with my friend's brothers, I see that mine is the best I can't ever had. He's so respectful with my space and my privacy, and this it's very important in a teenager.

He loves Angelina Jolie, and specially Tomb Raider films.

He's not like the other little brothers or sisters. He's not trying to be like me, like the other little brothers, he has his own style, and music!! But, however, now he's going to let his hair grow up, because he says that I will love him more, because I like the boys with long hair... sometimes, he's so cute, and sometimes, he's so selfish, but, anyway......

I think that he's the best little brother that can ever be in the world, with good, and bad things.


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