divendres, 19 de novembre del 2010

Notice 2: A Strange planet that have become for another galaxy.

If the majority of the 500 planets that we have discovered into another orbits different from the Sun are strange (for their sizes, the distance to the star, ...), the last discovered win the prize of the most rare. Its star it's so old, and probably it has expended a lot, and the star had eaten the planet, but then this planet has been already contracted. The planet belonged to a neighboring dwarf galaxy and ended up in our Milky Way, gravitationally engulfed in an episode of galactic cannibalism, makes between 6000 and 9000 years. The peculiar planet is called HIP 13044.

It has been discovered with a special telescope of 2,2 meters of diameter in Chile.

It's the first planetic system inside a stellar group with extragalactic origin. It is at 2000 light years of the Earth, and it's localized in the South hemisphere sky, into the Fornax constellation. His mass it's about 1,25 Júptiers, and his orbit very ellíptic takes 16,2 days to be complete. It's very close to its sun.


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