divendres, 18 de novembre del 2011
NEWS!! NASA discovers that dunes in Mart have movement!
"We used to think that the sand on Mars is relatively immobile, so these new observations are changing our perspective," said Nathan Bridges, planetary scientist at the Physics Laboratory at Johns Hopkins University in Laurel, Maryland.
According to Bridges, "Or Mars have faster and more powerful winds, or the winds can carry more sand."
The atmosphere of Mars is very thin (about 1% that of Earth), so you need much stronger winds to move a grain of sand.
You need 130 kilometers per hour winds to move the small particles of Mart. On Earth they would move with winds around 16 mph.
The dunes where movement isn't seen suggests that it may be bigger sand grains or more adhesioned to the surface layers.
NEWS!! Discovered a nest with rests of baby dinosaurs!
The discovery has been in a cave in Tugrikinshire, Mongolia, and they were 'baby dinosaurs' of gender 'Protoceratops'.
After relevant studies and reviews, scientists and paleontologists have calculated that the nest had a measure of a meter in diameter and their shape was round.
The researchers also succeeded in establishing that the young dinosaur species 'Protoceratops' shared a lot of time with their parents, specially during the early stages of growth, as was discovered the nest with their fossil remains.
I think that all this discoveres are so important because a lot species that we have now in our planet come from all this dinosaurs, and my opinion about this is that we have to learn a lot about the past, to build a predictible future about species.
dimarts, 15 de novembre del 2011
Adrian: Cause I was born too many years ago!
Natàlia: And you Grandma, too?
Paula: Yes my Dear.
Adrian: You´ll also get older Paula, wrinkles will grow on your face, and your hair will get whiter and will fall out.
Natàlia: No, that´s not true!
Paula: Yes darling. I was young like you! All my life I was looking for a solution for be ever young!
Natàlia: And did you find it?
Paula: No, I didn´t.
Adrian: But become an adult and get older isn´t so bad. You learn a lot of things and you live good moments that you can remember for ever.
Natàlia: So become an adult is good!
Paula: Yes, it is. But life is not a bed of roses!
Natàlia: Anyway, I want to live it. And in this moment get older doesn´t frightens me! I love you grandparents!
My email to the teacher... My future...??
Hi Sonia,
First, tell you that this year I’ll put all my effort in study a lot this year, because all my future is condicionated with this marks. I hope I’ll fit in the class. I’ll try to meet my goal in English: the first certificate. I want to enter to the UAB (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona), where I’ll study maybe environmental biology, or genetic studies, I’m not sure yet. Then I’ll do an Erasmus exchange, probably I’ll go to United States of America, Belgium, or Germany.
After the university studies I’ll fight with all my strength and power to stop the nuclear power, and before this I’ll discover and develope other energies. One of my dreams is to minimize the human impact in the earth and their species as fast as I can, but I can’t do it alone. I think that saving our planet is a task of all of us.
But I have another type of objectives, like going to all my favourite bands concerts before I die: Judas Priest, Iron Maiden, Megadeth, Airbourne, Sisters of Mercy… A lot of them are already reached, and I’m very proud of it.
PD: I think that the video you showed us today in class was the prove that there in USA the people are more prepared that here in Spain, and my opinion is that if someone motivates us, we can do incredible things.
Mr. Bean is a British comedy of 14 half-hour episodes, written by Rowan Atkinson. The first episode was broadcast on ITV on 1 January 1984, and the last on October 2006 in United Kingdom.
The series has been the recipient of a number of international awards. The show has been sold in 245 territories of the world.
Mr. Bean is a man that’s “a child in a grown man’s body”, and he has to solve various problems presented by everyday tasks. He rarely speaks, and his humor is derived from his unusual solutions and interactions with other people, his pettiness, and occasional malevolence.
He has got a teddy bear named Teddy, his best friend. It’s inanimate, but Mr. Bean always pretends it’s alive. He buys it Christmas presents or he tries not to wake it in the mornings.
He has a mini (car), and he also has got a girlfriend, Irma Gobb, that seems to be only a friend, no more. However, Bean becomes jealous when she dances with another man at the disco, or things like that.
The Young Ones is a british sitcom, broadcasted in 1982. A programme where characters are sharing the same common environment, such as a home or workplace, accompanied with jokes as part of the dialogue. It’s anarchic, and in the 80’s made a little funnier the television.
The main characters are four undergraduate students sharing a house:
- Vyvyan: a violent punk.
- Rick: a pompous would-be anarchist.
- Neil: a long-suffering hippie.
- Mike: the posh of the group.
The show combines traditional british humor style with violent moments, and surrealism.
Little Britain is a British comedy, a sketch show (consists of a series of short comedy scenes or vignettes, called "sketches," commonly between one and ten minutes long).
The show are some parodies of British people from all walks of life in various situations familiar to the British. It can be described like a guide of ways of British lifes, really accentuated.
There are many characters, most of them played by Lucas and Walliams with varying degrees of costume and makeup.
The programme has become increasingly popular with children, despite being shown after the watershed. There has also been criticism from teachers that the programme leads to copycat behaviour in the playground.
In my opinion I have to improve my security in front of other people, and read less. However, I think I'm good with some other things. Also, it's good to see that at first, I was soooo nervous and embarrassed, but when the presentation went on, I was more secure, and stable ;)
divendres, 14 d’octubre del 2011
Can we live without humor?
My opinion about it is that we can't live without humor. If some day we are sad, probably our friends can't make us laugh and feel positive and better.
I believe humor is in our DNA. Some people feel it more than others, but that's not the question. We must be happy and tell jokes everywhere in the world (in Australia, France, South-Africa... anywhere).
Finally, it's better to know humor is necessary because it's what, in bad days, makes you live better, because if you're depressed you're bnot living your life really and fully.
divendres, 7 d’octubre del 2011
My research project: The bee-eaters
My big project for school began this summer...
I went nearly everyday to Valveralla, Ventalló, and l'Armentera to see "my" birds. First, I was very surprised to see an incredible change: first in my town, I only didn't see many birds and animals, and i 15 minutes with car, all that fauna that was there, was really strange. A lot of birds flying, fishes, too many insects, and a flowing and calm river, that was giving them life.
When time passed, that was my second house, and my second life and it continues being it now, and when I'm so stressed I go there or in Aiguamolls de l'Empordà, where I find calmless and my other friends: the birds.
I was first interessed in the bee-eaters because I'm doing the project for school of them, but now, a lot of other birds and fauna are in my mind. Another of my favourite birds is the Kingfisher. I think that I have a misterious coincidence with him because I find it everywhere: I saw three of them in wilderness, and I liberated one of them that was just ringed in Aiguamolls de l'Empordà.
Now, a little part of my life is with my birds, and nature. I know that everyday I'm near to reach my objective: Be a biology naturalist, specialized in ornitology ^^.
dissabte, 1 d’octubre del 2011
But I'm not only here to complain, I also have to say that comparing the "prison" I saw the first time in 1st of ESO and the building I see now, are completely diferent (although inside). It has changed a lot. Now, it's more colorful, and more confortable.
This year I'll have to study as hard as I can, because this results are the ones which will determine my future, my university, and my career.
For now, I only wish it rained soon!
divendres, 30 de setembre del 2011
A really bad day...
There was this guy at a bar, just looking at his drink. He stays like that for half of an hour.
Then, this big trouble-making truck driver steps next to him, takes the drink from the guy, and just drinks it all down. The poor man starts crying. The truck driver says, "Come on man, I was just joking. Here, I'll buy you another drink. I just can't stand to see a man cry."
"No, it's not that. This day is the worst of my life. First, I fall asleep, and I go late to my office. My boss, outrageous, fires me. When I leave the building, to my car, I found out it was stolen. The police said that they can do nothing. I get a cab to return home, and when I leave it, I remember I left my wallet and credit cards there. The cab driver just drives away."
"I go home, and when I get there, I find my wife in bed with the gardener. I leave home, and come to this bar. And just when I was thinking about putting an end to my life, you show up and drink my poison.
SONG: Sonata Artica - Broken / Trencat
I was raised from a broken seed, / Vaig ser criat a partir d'una llavor trencada,
I grew up to be an unwanted weed. / He crescit com a una herba no desitjada.
Ever faster the time exceeds me, / Com més ràpid el temps em supera,
little harder again to remember...you. / se'm fa més difícil recordar-te.
Held a torch for you / Subjectava una torxa per tu
when lightning stroke me, / quan el llamp em va colpejar,
once again, hope I died for the last time. / altre cop, esperava que morís per últim cop.
Only one I have a thing greater than you, / Només tinc una cosa millor que tu,
little light on the sky every night. / la petita llum al cel cada nit.
Morning dew on the field where I met you... / Rosada en el camp on et vaig conèixer...
I was frozen a year, / Vaig estar congelat un any,
couldn't get through... / sense poder superar-ho,
Got a sign, not a scar, / Tinc una senyal, no una cicatriu,
on my shoulder, / a la meva espatlla,
I am not quite the man you take me for... / No sóc l'home que pel que hem prens...
Fell in love with the weakness within me, / Enamorada amb la feblesa dins meu,
Tried to force me the Ring and own me... / Vas intentar posar-me l'anell i aconseguir-me...
Guess you found / Crec que vas trobar
what you'd think would oblige me, / el que pensaves que m'obligaria,
little version of me to consume you... / petita versió meva per consumir-te...
I'd give my everything to you... / Et donaria el meu tot a tu...
follow you through the garden of oblivion...! / el seguiria a través del jardí d'Oblivion...!
If only I could tell you everything, / Si només pogués explicar-t'ho tot,
the little things / les petites coses
you'll never dare to ask me...! / que mai t'atreviràs a preguntar-me...!
Do you really know me?! (I might be a God...) / Realment hem coneixes?! (Podria ser Déu)
Show me that you care and have a cry. / Ensenya'm que et preocupa i crida.
How do you see me?!... as the one? / Com em veus?!... com l'indicat?
Can you see my blood when I'm bleeding. / Pots veure la meva sang quan perdo sang.
How can you love this exile?! / Com pots estimar aquest exili?!
and how could I desire you... / i com puc jo desitjar-te...
When my pain, is my pain, / Quan el meu dolor, es el meu dolor,
and yours is too... / i el teu també...
On this darkwinter's night... / En aquesta nit fosca d'hivern...
Darkness becomes this child... / La foscor es torna aquest nen...
Bless this night with a tear... / Beneeix aquesta nit amb una llàgrima...
For I have none I fear... / Jo no tinc res a témer...
Seven lifes of a man passed before me, / Set vides d'un home han passat avans que jo,
Seven graves, one for every love I've had. / Set tumbes, una per cada amor que he tingut.
Only once I have broken my so called heart, / Només un cop han trencat el meu cor,
Only one made me see why they cry... / Només una m'ha fet veure perquè ploren...
Will I learn how to be one of you someday? / Algun dia aprendré com ser un dels teus?
Will I still feel the eyes that behold me? / Seguiré sentint els ulls que em miren?
Will I hear what you think, when you see me? / Sentiré el que penses, quan hem vegis?
Will it tear me apart if you feel for me... / Hem destrossarà si et preocupes per mi...
I'd give my everything to you... / Et donaria el meu tot a tu...
follow you through the garden of oblivion...! / el seguiria a través del jardí d'Oblivion...!
If only I could tell you everything, / Si només pogués explicar-t'ho tot,
the little things / les petites coses
you'll never dare to ask me...! / que mai t'atreviràs a preguntar-me...!
Do you really know me?! (I might be a God...) / Realment hem coneixes?! (Podria ser Déu)
Show me that you care and have a cry. / Ensenya'm que et preocupa i crida.
How do you see me?!... as the one? / Com em veus?!... com l'indicat?
Can you see my blood when I'm bleeding. / Pots veure la meva sang quan perdo sang.
How can you love this exile?! / Com pots estimar aquest exili?!
and how could I desire you... / i com puc jo desitjar-te...
When my pain, is my pain, / Quan el meu dolor, es el meu dolor,
and yours is too... / i el teu també...
On this darkwinter's night... / En aquesta nit fosca d'hivern...
Darkness becomes this child... / La foscor es torna aquest nen...
Bless this night with a tear... / Beneeix aquesta nit amb una llàgrima...
For I have none I fear... / Jo no tinc res a témer...
Little broken... always been... / Petit trencat... sempre ha estat...
a part of you belongs to me... / una part de mi et pertany...
You were never mine to love, / Tu mai eres meva per estimar-te,
but, this all has made it easy for me... / però, tot això ho ha fet fàcil per mi...
Burning feathers...!! Not an angel!! / Plumes ardent...!! No un àngel!!
Heaven's closed...! Hell's sold out!! / El cel està tancat...! L'infern venut!!
So I walk on earth, behind the curtains, / Doncs jo camino a la terra, darrere les cortines,
hidden from everyone, / amagat de tothom,
until I find a new life, / fins que trobi una nova vida,
to ruin again... / per arruinar altre cop...
On this darkwinter's night... / En aquesta nit fosca d'hivern...
Darkness becomes this child... / La foscor es torna aquest nen...
Bless this night with a tear... / Beneeix aquesta nit amb una llàgrima...
For I have none I fear... / Jo no tinc res a témer...
On this darkwinter's night...! / En aquesta nit fosca d'hivern...!
Darkness becomes this child...!! / La foscor es torna aquest nen...!!
Bless this night with a tear... / Beneeix aquesta nit amb una llàgrima...
For I have none I (fear)... / Jo no tinc res a témer...
My new painting: MEDUSA
Is a picture about Medusa, of the greek mythology, but I'm not talking about the arcaic Medusa. Medusa is a sign that first was seen like a bad, and ugly monster, but with time, there've been a lot of changes about his apperance.
Now, and the Medusa that I want to recreate, is the one that is very very beautiful, and sexy, but she is so dangerous because of her eyes. When she look to someone, he or she become petrificated. Is the price to see her beauty, in my opinion.
She seems to be (in my picture) very angry, nervous and sad. Normally, in my mind she is in nature, free, and lonely. And in my picture she's been captured, and she has his hands bundled, and her only arm and defense is her look, that now is the strongest and powerful ever.
The colours are tones of black and white, and a strong and passion red, exalting her beauty.
It's not finished yet, but you can see how it goes ;)
PADDLE-BOARD: My new passionate sport.
A man intented to do surf with an oar, and people laughted at him. Then, the man began teaching the young ones and doing long tables to support the weight of the body standing on, one thing that with surf you can't do.
Another advantatge is that you have a lot of versatility in this new sport. Stand up paddle boarding offers surfers the ability to catch more waves in a set. Here in Sant Pere Pescador this is very useful, because the waves are not too big to do surf, but for paddle surfers are perfect.
Now this sport has been extended around the world, and a lot of people do it. So many girls practise it. Since I practise this sport, all my body's been better than after doing it, and I think that's because this sport moves all your body, specially your arms.
Incredibly, I go paddle surfing with my father... and my dog!! Is very, very funny... as you can see!! ^^
First, I woke up early. It was the International Bird's day, and I was going to Aiguamolls de l'Empordà because there were going to do some activities.
First, they made a bird analization, where I released a Kingfisher, one of my favourite birds. I had it in my hands!! It was so sweet and smooth, and I saw a lot of birds very near of me.
Then a guided visitation to the park, that in my opinion, it was a little bored, because I know perfectly all the park!!
And after this, they released a Common Kestrel, a very beautiful bird. I was very excited and moved, because that bird was incredibly majestic!! A very, very recomendable experience...
Here, some of the photos I made, hope you like it!!
HIERRO: Volcanical activity!!
Spanish seismologists, held a press conference on Sunday to communicate to the 10,000 residents of the smallest of the Canary Islands that the raising of the alert level does not indicate that an eruption is imminent. They indicated, however, that the number of volcanic earthquakes detected beneath El Hierro continues to increase.
Hierro, a shield volcano, has had a single historic eruption from the Volcan de Lomo Negro in 1793. The eruption lasted approximately one month and produced lava flows.
The Canary Islands Government commenced an in-depth geological survey of El Hierro earlier this month in an effort to determine the source of an earthquake swarm.
The unprecedented seismic activity commenced on 19 July. In excess of 7,000 earthquakes have been recorded up to Monday, 26 September 2011. More than 50 earthquakes were recorded between midnight and 6:00 a.m. GMT on Monday. The earth tremors have ranged between 1 and 3 magnitude.
The vast majority of the tremors have been recorded in the northwest island at El Golfo, the location of a massive landslide that created a 100-metre high tsunami almost 50,000 years ago.
Speaking to the El Pais newspaper during the weekend, volcanologist Juan Carlos Carracedo suggested that an eruption on El Hierro would "not be a major surprise".
He explained: "It is the youngest of the Canary Islands. There is a ball of magma which is rising to the surface and it is stationed at the limit of the earth's crust. At the moment we do not know if that ball of magna will break the crust and cause an eruption."
Earthquake swarms are events where a local area experiences sequences of many earthquakes striking in a relatively short period of time. The length of time used to define the swarm itself varies, but an event may last for days, weeks, or months.
El Hierro is situated in the most southwestern extreme of the Canaries. The island was formed after three successive eruptions, and consequent accumulations, the island emerged from the ocean as an imposing triangular pyramid crowned by a volcano more than 2,000 metres high.
Although over 200 years have elapsed since the last eruption, El Hierro has the largest number of volcanoes in the Canaries with over 500 open sky cones, another 300 covered by the most recent outflows, and some 70 caves and volcanic galleries.
dimarts, 7 de juny del 2011
This year has been specially important for me, because I’ve learned a lot of things. For example, I have a special programme now for upload the podcast in the blog, my vocabulary has improved quite a lot, and my way of thinking has changed (I say this for the questions of the news).
The activity that best shows my level of english I think that it's the podcast because of my pronunciation and also writings, specially news or my world tasks, because I'm interessed in what I'm creating.
The activities that improved my level of english have been mainly the readings, because you practise your vocabulary, the writings, one thing that is always good to do because you have to have a very good vision of what you're going to write, and which words are you going to use, and finally the "my space" posts, when I translate a song. This last activity I think it's really interesting, because most of the music I listen is in english, and then you know what they're saying, and the words are always assimilated.
I have to say that the writings like doing a letter for someone important, an opinion essay, and those things I think they're too mechanical, because you only have to follow some steps, and in my opinion this it's not very useful.
The thing that I like the most are the speakings and the discusses in class, I think that when you speak to someone in english spontaneously, you practise your real english, without diccionary. It would be better if the next year the blog was more qualificated, because it's a lot of work only for one point.
dissabte, 4 de juny del 2011
dilluns, 30 de maig del 2011
1. Objectives.
We are Paula and Natalia and our presentation talks about hunger in the world. We have chosen this theme because we think that is really shocking that there are 16.000 (sixteen thousand) children in the world who die everyday because of hunger. This means one child dies every five seconds.
Our principal objectives were find the causes about it and learn more about hunger, because we think that it’s a really big problem actually and it’s been it for a long time ago.
3. What is mundial hunger?
Mundial hunger is one of the biggest problems of our world today.
The cause of the hunger is that, the people who suffer it, don’t have enough food to eat, and to feed their children and family. They have less than 1.9 kcal. Because of that, a lot of people die everyday, and we waste a lot of food.
4. Affected people:
954.000.000 (nine hundred fifty four milion) people in the world are underfed. 820.000.000 (eight hundred twenty milion) of these people are in developing countries.
5. Poor countries:
As you can see in this graphic, the most part of poverty is in Asia and the Pacific. Then, there are Sub-Saharian Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean, Near Est and North Africa, and finally there are poverty too in the developed countries.
6. Natural causes.
There are many causes for hunger. One of them are the naturals causes.
People who live in very cold or very hot areas, have more problems to obtain food, because there's no good land to plant vegetables.
Moreover, the problem is that the land is not being used efficiently enough.
7. Economic causes
Most of food is produced in developed nations, like the United States. For it to get to countries that need it, there are huge expenses in packaging, transporting, and distributing this food.
8. Sociocultural causes
Many times, there are underlying cultural beliefs which prevent progress, as religion.
For example, in South Asia, society holds women responsible for all the key actions required to end hunger. But at the same time, trough laws, custom and tradition, women are denied the resources and the freedom of action to carry on these responsibilities. So it's not that women are incapable of making progress, it's simply that they are restricted by their own culture.
9. Sufficient food for all the people?
Yet there is plenty of food in the world for everyone. The problem is that hungry people are trapped in severe poverty. They lack the money to buy enough food to nourish themselves. It causes that they become ill, and this makes them increasingly less able to work, which then makes them even poorer and hungrier.10. Consequences – healthy
Hunger causes some diseases:
AIDS (Sida): AIDS kills a little less than 2 million people a year, or about one person every 17 seconds.
The worst number of dead is in Africa.
Pneumonia: it kills more than 2 million children each year in poor countries.
Pneumonia is contagious and is commonly transmitted when an infected person coughs or sneezes small droplets that contain the germ into the air.
Diarrheal and cholera kill about 1.6 million people each year, almost all of them children. Diarrhea is most often a result of unclean water, unsafe sanitation, or poor hygiene.
Tuberculosis: is highly contagious and spreads through the air from coughing. If not treated, a person with tuberculosis infects of 10 to 15 people each year. Once thought to be under control, tuberculosis still kills over 1.5 million people each year.
Malaria: over a million people die from malaria each year. It's spread by mosquitoes.
Close to 90% of malaria causes occur in Africa.
11. Past, present and... future?
PAST: Major hunger problems have occurred through history, leaving millions of people dead or suffering from the effects of hunger.
FUTURE: The problem of world hunger can be solved. But we have to act, because it will be increased if we continue so, and it will cause serious consequences on children, society and the future of humanity.
12. Measures to solve it
· For adults, there are “food for work” programs where the adults are paid with food to build schools, make roads... This both nourishes them and builds infrastructure to end the poverty. For children, there are “food for education” programs where the children are provided with food when they attend school.
· Also, we can reduce or eliminate the transportation costs. If food is produced closer to where it is needed, costs are much lower.
· Companies need to realize that in order to make more money in these less developed regions, they must invest more as well.
Good things: Good pronunciation, good organization with Natalia, good powerpoint, and very good information. Also, a good structure of the presentation, and good team work!
Bad things: I was a bit nervous, and my voice showed this.
Note: 9
Carnival 2011!! (St. Pere Pescador & Castelló d'Empúries)
In the night we all wento to the fancy dress dance and we had a very good time. Kevin, my last boyfriend asked me to go with him to the dance floor and dance, and finally we went to. There, we danced a little and we fell in love again. We are very good friends now, but I think that in the future it'll be something more than a friendship relation.
Then, my friends and I, the same people that went to St. Pere Pescador's carnival went to Castelló to the night party. Unfortunately it was raining, but we went inside for a drink. There, I met a lot of people from the institute and some others from Figueres, that I haven't seen for one or two years, and also two boys from Llançà. We drinked and danced a lot, and after the party Kevin, me, Nessie and Aleix went to our local to continue the party. We had beers, bikinis (to eat) and we watched a film: The exorcist. At 5 a.m. we went to bed, and we got up at 11 o'clock next morning.
We passed a very funny and friendly parties, and we are very happy to be all together because we are all friends, and I look to the other groups of friends and a lot of times they have a false friendship between them, only for suit each other.
WRITING: Have musicians an important role in changing society?
I think the music is necessary for all the people, and that we love music, to dance, to think about the planet, and to increase our good or bad emotions. Musicians have an importnat role in changing society because a lot of people want to be like them because they are idols, and they can influence the mind of society.
I must also say that not all the music and musicians can do this, becauuse, today, most of them only want to earn money, and they usually do that the people's mind only want to dance and have sex, and more stupid values that today the 50% of the people surely want.
The musicians and music that I'm talking about, is the music that has got messages inside, to make humanity aware. The real musicians.
In the future, if we listen and we are intelligent to understand what the songs are saying to us (example: Blowin' in the wind) and we change our acts and wind, then, musicians would have reached their real objective: change society.
Bin Laden was located at a compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan, which was monitored and when the time was determined to be right, the president said, he authorized a “targeted operation." A small team of Americans carried out the operation. After a firefight, they killed Osama bin Laden and took custody of his body. DNA testing confirmed that it was bin Laden.
Obama said that he was briefed last August on a possible but "far from certain" lead to bin Laden, but it took many months for the intelligence community to run this thread to ground. Then they developed more information about the possibility that they had located Bin Laden.
Sources said the attack was carried out by Joint Special Operations Command forces working with the CIA.
Bin Laden's death brings to an end a tumultuous life that saw him go from being the carefree son of a Saudi billionaire, to terrorist leader and the most wanted man in the world.
These spontaneous protests have been happening all over Spain since May 15, being the biggest in Madrid and Barcelona. They have been generated, communicated and promoted by social networks such as Facebook and Twitter.
People in Barcelona are fed up with that situation and, thus, they didn't hesitate to join the sit-in protest at Plaza Catalunya before the municipal elections set on 22 May, gathering the Spanish revolution 2011. The main square of Barcelona was divided into three zones, symbolically called Tahrir, Iceland and Palestine, which hosted performances of various kinds, among other things a possible police charge was role-played.
On Friday, the concentration at Plaza Catalunya for the Spanish revolution was massive. You could see very different people of all ages and profiles. From unemployed youngers with university degrees to old ladies and families with children demanding a change in Spanish society and politics. Protesters think political parties don't do anything worthy to solve the citizens problems and get out of the crisis. Unemployment rates continue growing up and there have been budget cuts in different sectors belonging to the welfare state such as education and health.
Although protesters were supposed to give up the protest on Friday midnight, they didn't. On the contrary they held flowers high and shouted after a minute of silence, making noise by hitting saucepans. The campsite remained on Saturday and Sunday, elections day. It seems the results of the elections were not satisfying and the Spanish revolution in Barcelona with the sit-in protest might continue...
FILM REVIEW: THE PIANIST (I love Adrien Brody)
This film I think it's really interesting because I love history and it's about the nazi movement and the cruelty of their acts. I think nazism ideology it really interesting and the people must know about it because they really thought they were doing right things for the humanity and that they were contributing to conservate the races and delete the worst kind of human, and that this was right and that was good morally.
Film review:
The film begins with a little family that were very very worried about the situation of the expansion of the nazis because they were living in Warsaw, Poland, and the nazis had already arrived, but they had done nothing yet.
The protagonist is a pianist and he's one of the big brothers of the family and he's the principal way of money for the family. He was doing a programme radio (playing the piano) and suddenly they were being bombarded. He run to his house and turned on the radio. They heard that the jew people couldn't live where they want, that they had to live together, in a ghetto, with all the jews, and that they had to hear a straight in their arms with a jew star.
Then, a lot of pubs and cafes began to close for the jews and they also couldn't go to the parks and the public places, but then the british and france declared war to Germany and the nazis. They were a little more optimistic.
From that, Szpilman begins a solitary journey across Warsaw being witness of the Nazi occupation. His reputation as a musician saved him from deportation. He struggled to stay alive, with enduring hunger, a lot of cold, loneliness and he had to stand the separation of his family.
With the help he had, he escaped the ghetto and hide in the ruins of the capital. He'll see the transformation of the city. Fortunately in the final days of the war, Szpilman reached a destroyed an abandoned house where he found a piano. There, he discovered a Nazi officer, but he heard the music he played, and the officer help him and spareed his life.
In conlusion, his musical talent and dreams saved his life.