dissabte, 1 d’octubre del 2011


In this post I'll talk about my new return to the highschool.
I think that the first week is deadly: the teachers are so stressed, the students are very sad because the holidays have finished, and the holiday... is the worst thing I've ever seen!!

Always sunny, hot, and wetty. Day after day. This insitute is made of concrete, we are in the top floor, and we are incredibly: 35 people in the class!!! It's like hell! Staying there more than 30 minutes is, for anyone, like staying in Sahara.

But I'm not only here to complain, I also have to say that comparing the "prison" I saw the first time in 1st of ESO and the building I see now, are completely diferent (although inside). It has changed a lot. Now, it's more colorful, and more confortable.

This year I'll have to study as hard as I can, because this results are the ones which will determine my future, my university, and my career.

For now, I only wish it rained soon!


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