dilluns, 30 de maig del 2011

Carnival 2011!! (St. Pere Pescador & Castelló d'Empúries)

Carnival in St. Pere has been always so good, but specially this year has been very happy and very funny. I went there with Nessie, Aleix, Kevin, Natalia Sellés, Natalia Varela, Brian, Aura, Pau and Alexandra. We were a lot of people but we didn't dress up together. There were people, like Natalia Sellés, Kevin or Aleix, that were dressed up all day and night, but also there were some others who didn't dress up, like me and Alexandra.

In the night we all wento to the fancy dress dance and we had a very good time. Kevin, my last boyfriend asked me to go with him to the dance floor and dance, and finally we went to. There, we danced a little and we fell in love again. We are very good friends now, but I think that in the future it'll be something more than a friendship relation.

Then, my friends and I, the same people that went to St. Pere Pescador's carnival went to Castelló to the night party. Unfortunately it was raining, but we went inside for a drink. There, I met a lot of people from the institute and some others from Figueres, that I haven't seen for one or two years, and also two boys from Llançà. We drinked and danced a lot, and after the party Kevin, me, Nessie and Aleix went to our local to continue the party. We had beers, bikinis (to eat) and we watched a film: The exorcist. At 5 a.m. we went to bed, and we got up at 11 o'clock next morning.

We passed a very funny and friendly parties, and we are very happy to be all together because we are all friends, and I look to the other groups of friends and a lot of times they have a false friendship between them, only for suit each other.


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